Learn How to Turn On Your Power!
An In Person Psychic Workshop
in Miami Beach
Next Sunday, May 7th
2 - 4:30 pm
Someone or something having power over you is an illusion.
Come shatter that in this workshop!
Things to consider:
Do you ever feel powerless or less powerful with certain people or in certain environments or situations?
Do you feel like you have access to your own power when you need it?
That you can turn it on and off at will?
In this workshop you are going to learn how to use an incredible
psychic ability you have inside you to
generate your own power through you.
Let's call this practical magic.
Your ability to transform any situation in your life using your own energy!
Learn How To:
-Turn your power on and off depending on your situation or experience
-Run your power through you as a healing force when you are feeling low, are uncertain, or need a boost in your day
-Access your own power to generate strength in different aspects of your life (i.e. relationships, career, dreams, goals, etc)