An energy reading helps create clarity and certainty, acting as a guide to help you move forward by clearing blocks in your communication, helping create clarity in your relationships and situations in your life, resolving the past, and seeing what paths might best benefit you. You can find your own answers inside of you, but when in doubt, you sometimes need a little help along the way. A reading also communicates with higher parts of you, allowing you to embrace even more who you are and what you desire.
1 HR

This is a great opportunity to have the combination of an energy healing and an energy reading. The reading portion is 60 minutes, and the healing is 30 minutes, making this a 90 minute session. This is a favorite among clients, because as a reading lights up what is going on in your life, a healing can then sweep through and clear out what has been brought to the surface that you are ready to let go of. Each part of this session completes the other.
90 min

5 Session Package
This five session package is ideal for you if you are working through somethings specific in your life, are in a big transition, or know that you want to have help connecting with yourself on a more regular basis.
It is important to honor your path and get support when you need it!